28 September 2011

The happy ray

Date: 24-9-2011
Author: Leo

The happy ray
Once upon a time, there was a ray. He was looking for someone to play with. When he was swimming, he found a little fish. The ray said “Can you play with me?” The little fish replied “Sorry, I can’t play with you because I’m hungry.” Then, the ray swam away. He swam towards the North and up to the Arctic Ocean. He saw a special coral reef. It looked like a rainbow because there was a rainbow on top of the water. That is why that coral reef was so colourful. Suddenly, a shark appeared and wanted to eat the ray. The ray swam faster and faster. The shark also followed him faster and faster. Unfortunately, the ray got stuck in the seaweed. He got an idea and wanted to eat the seaweed. Just one little bite. He let go of the seaweed. He swam through the gap between two stones. The shark also followed him, but he got stuck in the gap. Finally, he found something to play with. He tickled the shark for an hour. It was so much fun!